PMMA (Acrylic) injection molding parts offer high heat resistance, high gloss finish durability, and optical properties
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What is PMMA (Acrylic) lastic?
PMMA is a versatile thermoplastic with excellent optical clarity, high gloss finish, good mechanical properties, and chemical resistance, widely used in various applications such as lenses, light covers, and display components.
Additionally, It is also relatively easy to process, facilitating the production of complex shapes with precision. Moreover, it has a certain level of chemical resistance, enhancing its durability in different environments.
PMMA is typically between 1.5 – 5 mm. Thinner walls can lead to issues such as sink marks, short shots (incomplete filling of the mold), and poor structural integrity.
Avoid sharp corners in acrylic as it’s sensitive; they impede moldability and cause stress. Min radius: 25% wall thickness; for max strength, use 60%.
Draft Angle
A draft angle is necessary to facilitate the ejection of the molded part from the mold. For the external surfaces of PP living – hinge – containing parts, a draft angle of 1 – 5° is usually sufficient.
The rib thickness is typically 0.5 – 0.7 times that of the adjacent wall to minimize sink marks and cooling issues. Also, consider the rib height carefully to avoid warping; limit it to around three times its base width as a guideline.
The diameter of the boss should be at least twice the diameter of the screw to ensure sufficient strength. A recess or counterbore can be designed around the boss to prevent the screw head from protruding above the surface of the part.
Part Tolerance
Injection molded parts have two main tolerance types: commercial and fine. For acrylic parts under 160 mm, commercial tolerances range from 0.1 to 0.325 mm. For those equal to or smaller than100 mm, fine tolerances of 0.045 to 0.145 mmcan be achieved.
Melt index is a number that indicates the fluidity of plastic materials during processing. It is the American Measurement Standards Institute (ASTM), according to the
The injection molding process is a process involving mold design, mold manufacturing, raw material characteristics, and raw material pretreatment method, molding process, injection molding machine operation, and